

Get Involved


Centre for Public Health and Food Safety (CPHFS) work with wide variety of organisations like Central and State Governments, public and private institutions, school, universities and other academic institutions, agencies, N.G.Os, Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and other repute bodies of both national and international for implementation of the public Health and Food Safety. Our combined knowledge, financial assistance and passion form the basis of a strong Public-Private Partnership model that is very effective for safety of public health in the country.

Volunteer Opportunity

Centre for Public Health and Food Safety (CPHFS) is an independent society committed to the improvement of the public’s health in India. We are working for safety of Public Health through applied research, practice-based teaching, and professional service. The Volunteer membership is open to anyone working a sustainable and resilient public health system.


Up coming Projects

  • Safe Drinking Water in India ( Swachh Nir Yojna)
  • Food Safety in India through Regulatory compliance, Training and Awareness.( Safe Food For Life)
  • Drugs Safety in India through Regulatory compliance , Training and Awareness.( Safe Drugs for Healthy Life)
  • Placement linked Skill Development Programme in India.
  • Adult Education and Skill Development in India.
  • Water, sanitation & Hygiene Project
  • Women and child empowerment in India.
  • Environment protection and enhancement in India.
  • Education for Children in India.
  • Mobile Health Care Unit for Slum Areas.
  • Population control in India.
  • Human rights and community Development in India,