

Public Grievance

Consumer Grievance Portals


State Consumer Help Line Numbers

Sr. No Name of State /UT Helpline No. Date of Establishment Run By
1. Andhra Pradesh 1800-425-0082, 1800-425-2977 2009 Government
2. Arunachal Pradesh 1800-345-3601   Government
3. Assam 1800-345-3611    
4. Bihar 1800-345-6188 15.03.2011 Government
5. Chhattisgarh 1800-233-3663 21.01.2008 Government
6. Gujarat 1800-233-0222 , 079-27489945/ 46 24.12.2008 Consumer Education and Research Centre (CERC)
7. Haryana 1800-180-2087 12.08.2013 Government
8. Himachal Pradesh 1800-180-8087   Government
9. Jharkhand 1800-3456-598 August,2015 Government
10. Karnataka 1800-425-9339 ,1967 20-10-2008 Government
11. Kerala 1800-425-1550 07.07.2009 Government
12. Madhya Pradesh 155343, 0755-2559778 , 0755-2559993 01.01.2012 Government
13. Maharashtra 1800-2222-62 15.09.2011 Consumer Guidance Society of India (NGO)
14. Manipur 1800-345-3821 31.1.2013 State Govt
15. Mizoram 1800-231-1792 2009 Government
16. Nagaland 1800-345-3701/ 037022922232 24.12.2011 Government
17. Odisha 1800-345-6724, 1800-345-6760, 0674-2351990, 0674-2350209 03.05.2010 Orissa Computer Application Center (OCAC)
18. Rajasthan 1800-180-6030 15.03.2011 Consumers Action & Network Society (CANS)
19. Sikkim 1800-345-3209 May,2009 Government
20. Tamil Nadu 044-2859-2828 02.11.2009 Government/ CAI
21. Telengana 1800-425-00333 2015  
22. Tripura 1800-345-3665    
23. Uttar Pradesh 1800-1800-300 19.02.2014 Government / Legal Metrology
24. Uttarakhand 1800-180-4188 15.03.2014 Government
25. West Bengal 1800-345-2808 24.12.2011 Government
26. Dadra Nagar Haveli 91-976-212-1200, 1800-233-4004 21.01.2010 Government
27. Daman & Diu 91--976-212-1200    
28. Puducherry 1800-425-1082,1800-425-1083,1800-425-1084,1800-425-1085 15.03.2015 IIPA / Puducherry

Consumer awareness, which refers to a buyer's knowledge of a particular product or company, allows the buyer to get the most from what he buys. Consumers know more about their choices when they have product information and benefit from knowing their rights, hearing about alerts and warnings and finding out about safety issues.

In 1986, the Consumer Protection Act was passed by the Government of India. The Consumer Protection Act is famous as COPRA . The main objective of this act is to decide the complaints of the consumers immediately and to make legal proceeding easy. A three tier judiciary system has been established under COPRA at district , state and national level to resolve the disputes of consumers.

Sr. No Act / Rule / Bill Link
1. The Right to Information Act, 2005 Right to Information Act, 2005
2. The Consumer Protection Act,1986 The Consumer Protection Act ,1986
3. The Consumer Protection Rules, 1987 The Consumer Protection Rules, 1987
4. Consumer Protection Bill, 2015 Consumer Protection Bill,2015
5. FAQ Consumer Protection Act FAQ Consumer Protection Act
6. FAQ consumer complaint FAQ consumer complaint
7. Latest Consumer Protection Act and Their Rules Consumer Protection Act ,Rules & Regulations
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I hereby declare that the complaint submitted by me is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am committed to providing all necessary information and documents required by CPHFS for further action.

Welcome to CPHFS's Online Complaint & Monitoring Service (OCMS)

In keeping with its commitment towards ensuring towards greater transparency, CPHFS launched the Online Complaint & Monitoring Service (OCMS) recently.